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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Excessive compulsive

I think I've spent over $100 in cherries in the past month, and who knows how much gas I've burned.  That's because i don't do anything in moderation. 

Sunday I went back to Whole Foods to get some decent cherries and all they had was Virginian cherries that looked pretty sorry for $5.99/lb.  I then drove to Acme and got a couple pounds of half way decent cherries for $4.99/lb.  Monday my husband picked up a few pounds of cherries from Giant for $4.99/lb, they were ok but there were way too many soft ones.

When I left the gym this evening I decided to go to Genaurdis to redeem my raincheck.  I bought 6 pounds of Prima Frutta dark sweet cherries (with green stems).  I think this is the same brand that I purchased from Whole Foods...I have yet to see anything from the Ranier Fruit Company - they are hands down the best.

I mentioned to my friend that sometimes cherries make my stomach hurt - her response was that 6 pounds of anything consumed in a couple of days would make anybody's stomach hurt.  Clearly I need an intervention.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha this cracks me up. But it is a short season so....

    Last time I had a Rainier cherry I bought them in Seattle's Pike Place Market. Now I want some cherries...
