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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Crazy for carrots

We've gone from making carrot juice to making carrot soup. It took some iterations to create a soup that didn't overwhelmingly taste like carrots...but I think I've got it...and I'm loving the addition of a potato to create a bisque-like consistency.

This Vitamix is a bit addictive...I went on a produce spree Thursday and we've continued with daily green smoothies and soup on demand whenever we need a snack or want to stretch dinner. I know it's more than a soup and smoothie machine but for now that's really meeting our needs and helping us to increase our veggie intake. 

This week we've had 3 different versions of carrot soup...unfortunately they all look the same but taste very different. I made a soup this afternoon to go with the frozen pizza for an after-school snack/lunch (1/2 day). I was out of stock so I simmered a frozen chicken thigh with sautéed celery and onion then added a potato. I put the broth in the Vitamix with 5 carrots and a teaspoon of herbs salees and ran the soup cycle. I pulsed the chicken and then mixed in cubed uncured turkey ham. The texture was fantastic and it tasted was also a good use for lingering turkey ham.

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