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Sunday, March 21, 2010

A taste of Arabia

This weekend course is killing me...the fatigue is residual - all week I'm tired and unproductive and I don't think I've cooked a lick...that gets old, fast. I was determined to cook tonight so I went to Genaurdi's after class - I think they're more expensive than Whole Foods, and it's just a regular supermarket - with salona on my mind.

The first time I had salona, I was pleasantly surprised. It was simple, yet delicious - onions, tomatoes, potatoes, chicken, and of course mom's powder aka bizarra. I used to make salona quite frequently (with peas and carrots) but I don't think I've made it in almost a year. Back when I used to use boneless skinless thighs, it was a relatively quick meal...of course that wasn't the case tonight.

I arrived home after 7, who knows what time it was once the onions and garlic were sautéing in olive oil...needless to say, we didn't eat until 9:30pm (anyone who knows me is likely stunned and appalled). If only I had read the directions to the pressure cooker that I bought last month, we might've eaten much earlier. Alas, you certainly can't use a pressure cooker without reading the directions.

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