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Monday, March 1, 2010

Refining dining

A refinery is where raw materials are converted into a valuable resource - petroleum, metal, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, etc...usually the finished product looks and behaves vastly different than the source material. In terms of food products, we are learning that a diet heavy in refined foods is essentially hazardous to our health, just as refining facilities often have a negative environmental impact. Nutritional advisors generally suggest avoiding/reducing the intake of refined foods; instead use whole grains, there’s more nutritional value and less negative impact on your body, largely because whole foods are a few processes closer to what comes out of the ground.

The season of Lent is upon us hence many Christians are giving something up - sweets or meats, usually on Fridays, some are even doing the Daniel Fast. The Daniel Fast seems like a great way to cleanse your body and subsequently cleanse your soul. I could certainly use a little of both. I’ve recently become aware of the Corn Refiners Association’s marketing scam. I need to seriously rethink my diet - it's really not enough to avoid food enhancers like HFCS, MSG, Trans Fat, and Lord knows what else; and although it’s great that I use low fat cooking methods and there’s a lot of fiber and vegetables in my diet, my daily bread needs major overhauling – I seriously need to cut the crap. Dining needs to be refined such that the result is a valuable resource - food that nourishes and heals our bodies rather than deteriorating it.

I’m on a mission and I’m looking for support – cheerleaders, contributors, joiners, etc – I want to refine how I dine and I’m not interested in compromising taste. Perhaps I can start with a 3, 5, or 7-day challenge – no meat, animal, or dairy products (I may have to make an exception for butter though); no sweeteners; nothing refined or processed; nothing deep fried. This means my diet will consist of fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, nuts, legumes, water, and 100% juice (in moderation).

I need a menu, desperately – I’m inclined to look to the Mediterranean for inspiration but am open for suggestions.


  1. Bring it Shorti I'm down for whatever you want to do. With moderation right. As long as taste hasn't been compromised let us begin!

  2. I would love to do this and i do have many good recipies to share.

  3. Ok...I'm suggesting March 22-26 or April 5-9...I feel the need to wait until cookie season comes to a close (or am I being a chump?) and Spring Break is probably not a reality...let's get planning!
