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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Okra & salt fish

Vacation is over…yesterday I made a spinach, mushroom, and cheese omelet and then we started packing - our intentions were to go visit my dad in Atlanta, but by the time we got the car loaded it was almost 3pm…the 5 hour journey was not going to happen. We arrived home a little after 2am and hit the hay. This afternoon, I woke up hungry. I took the last of the turkey wings and legs out of the freezer and began thawing them in cold water. I spoke to my Italian-American friend for the first time in a while and she described the 7 Fishes Christmas Eve dinner she had enjoyed with her family…I then realized that my fling with fresh seafood had come to a screeching halt, so I thought I might have some salt fish.

As usual, I sautéed onions and garlic, added chili peppers, then added the okra and seasoning; after simmering that, I added tomatoes - meanwhile, I was boiling the salt fish - I mixed it all together, simmered and voila - okra & salt fish. I didn’t have dumplings (don’t know how to make them), so we had cornbread instead…I don’t like boiled bananas, so we substituted plantains. The results - a tasty treat.

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