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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Oxtail stew

I'm loving this energy efficient method of cooking...I think this 10 quart pressure cooker might be the most useful kitchen gadget I've beats a crock pot hands down because it doesn't degrade the food - so many of my Eastern friends own pressure cookers - perhaps this is because in their country of origin they don't have access to (or are not willing to waste) fuel for simmering. 

This has been a jam packed weekend - yesterday all day CPR/First Aid training, today a GS parent meeting then a field trip - what's for dinner - oxtails...fortunately my husband is now off on Sundays so he was able to prepare the rub/marinade while I dashed out the door this morning - he forgot a couple of things but did a great job - lime, scallions, peppers, celery (including the leaves), garlic, thyme, and green seasoning.  I came home, browned the meat, added tomatoes, lentils, and brown seasoning, then cooked under pressure - I forgot to time it, it probably was 30-45 minutes...I was a little apprehensive about pressure cooking the tails because I thought they needed time to break down the gelatinous fat that surrounds them but when I tasted the meat, the flavor was excellent and texture was good, however I added 10 minutes just for good measure.

We gobbled up those savory tails and then realized that we had no vegetable - and the only option is eggplant, so I guess we're cavemen tonight.

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