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Friday, October 9, 2009

The second coming

Lazeez Goodeez was born in November 1999. The idea came about as a friend and I were planning to vend at a Temple University event. She made tart sized cheesecakes and I made carrot cake loaves (inspired by the Carrot Cake Man treats I used to get in the 80s). I wanted a professional appearance so I decided to make labels and needed a "company" name. I was enrolled in my first Arabic course and had just learned the word for delicious - liziz - and decided to incorporate that into the name.

My carrot cake sales sky-rocketed - I was a baking fool - I expanded to whole cakes and then to a variety of baked goods- eventually I was selling food as well (I was ServSafe certified of course), this went on for several years and then I burnt out - juggling school, family, and cakes. Cakes had taken over my life and then there was no more.

What's up with the carrot cakes?

The business plan was shelved many years ago. Every so often someone asks about the cakes, can they place an order - that was a hilarious question - exactly when would I have time to bake cakes? My husband has been pestering me for several years about the cakes...

Not quite.

The cake has been icing'd, sliced, and tasted - it's not bad, but it's not quite ready to bear a Lazeez Goodeez label...I explained to a friend today - it's better to go out with a bang than to attempt a comeback and be known as a has been- I had zero confidence that I could reproduce those delicious treats...perhaps there will be a second coming.


  1. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for making the cake. It was delicious as I remembered. Welcome back!

  2. The cake was damn good! I think you are definitely on the comeback!
